
Task 2
FlatsFlat pieces of theatrical scenery which are often wooden frame covered with canvas, muslin or plywood, and painted with a picture of a scene.
Floor lay upThe process of preparing a stage floor. This often involves covering the existing floor with vinyl, carpet or masonite.
HazardsAnything that has the potential to cause injury or illness or damage.
KnotsA variety of knots can be used in theatre for a variety of purposes such as hanging drapes and general rigging work. These include:
  • bowline
  • round turn and two half hitches
  • clove hitch
  • half-hitch
  • reef knot
  • rolling hitch
  • truckies hitch
  • overhand knot
  • figure of eight knot
  • single
  • double
  • whippings.
(see further down below on this page)
Manual handlingUsing human force to move or support a load, including moving, lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling or carrying.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)Procedures designed to keep employees, visitors and customers safe and accident free, healthy and secure while at a work place
Production personnelProduction personnel are the people directly involved with the staging of an event and may include:
PropsAn abbreviation of the word ‘property’. These include items or articles used by performers or actors other than scenery and costumes. For example, a cigarette lighter carried in the actor’s pocket is a prop.
Set assemblyThe process of putting together the set as required in the stage plan and mark up. This is also known as ‘dressing the stage’.
Set piecesSet pieces may include:
  • framed scenery such as flats, profiles, doors and windows
  • weight bearing scenery such as rostra, ramps and steps
  • non-weight bearing scenery, eg columns, trees, flats
  • soft scenery such as canvas, legs, borders, cloths, gauzes, cycloramas
  • furniture, set props and stage machinery.

Stage areaThe part of the stage the actors perform on that can be seen by the audience.
Stage geographyThe stage is divided into a number of sections, allowing the director to indicate where actors should position themselves or scenery be placed. They are:
  • up stage and down stage
  • stage left (prompt side)
  • stage right (opposite prompt)
  • centre stage.
Stage machineryStage machinery includes fly systems (either electric or counter weight), trucks, revolves, traps, elevators and safety curtains.
Stage mark outThis is the process of physically marking on the stage floor where scenery and props will be positioned. This is usually done with ‘mark up tape’.
Stage planThe stage plan is a diagram showing the layout of the stage including lighting bars, the proscenium arch, orchestra pit, stage wings and other fixtures. This plan is used as a template by the designers to plan individual productions.
Stage typesThere are a number of different types of stages. These include:
  • proscenium arch

  • thrust

  • in the round

  • end on

  • created
  • found spaces.
Staging personnelStaging personnel are the people directly working with the stage. They may include:

Task 3
Types of Venues:

Marking out the Stage:

Task 4

Knots in Theatre:

- Bowline: Used to lift and support beams held up at a height

- Clove-Hitch: Used to attach ropes to beams, battens or posts at right angles.

- Half-Hitch: Use to attach ropes to bars or rope to a beam or post.

- Reef Knot: Used for tying the ends of a rope around a parcel, bandage or the neck of a sack

- Rolling Hitch: Used for tying one rope to another at a slopping angle. Used by campers to secure guy ropes around tent pegs.

- Truckies Hitch: Used as a rope tackle when a load needs to be tied down tightly. Best used with artificial rope.

- Overhand Knot: Used to stop the end of a rope going through a pulley and to stop the ends of a rope fraying.

- Figure of Eight Knot: Used to prevent the end of a rope going through a pulley.

- Whippings: Used to stop the ends of a rope from fraying.

- Rope Seizing: Used to bind ropes together or bind a rope to an object without damaging the rope