Thursday 15 December 2011

Gala Day - 30/11/11

The 30th of November was gala day. I was assigned to work in the bio box, running the backing music and the videos for the day. As no one in year 11 would help me I got Ellen Lancuba and Nicole Lepusic from year 10 to help me out. Before the big day, I had emailed all the house captains asking them for their backing tracks and video which were to be handed to me before Monday afternoon. Come Monday afternoon I had only recieved 5 things from people. At this point I was concerned as I wasn't sure if I would get anything until the day of gala day. The Tuesday before gala day really helped as I had time to put all the music and videos into a ppaylist, unfortunatly that day though, the run sheet had not shown up until that afternoon, so I had to go home and fix it.

Another problem I encountered was with Chavoins year 9 cheerleading backing track. The person responsible for the track had not brough it on a cd as they were sick at home, but I could not play the alternative solution they had offered in the form of an iphone. The backing track eventually got emailed to me later that night.

The day that was put aside for reheresals was a big big help for me as I was able to view all the acts before hand so I could adjust the audio levels of the tracks when needed and also add more bass and treble where needed. All this information was written on my running sheet. The rehearsal also helped me a lot with the cheerleading acts so I could determine when to stop and start the track after the acts cheer. This was better than figuring out the timing on the day, so any skew ups could be sorted out then. During the day I was able to test out all the equipment I was going to use like my laptop and the projector screen. This rehearsals also gave me time to show my helpers how everything worked and give them a run down of their jobs on the day.

The night before gala day I wrote my run sheet up on google docs and rechecked my playlist on itunes in accordance with the run sheet I was given. I also rewinded all the year 10 video back to the start. That night I also put together a playlist of music that would be played during the breaks on the day. I called this playlist elevator music.

The actual day itself was not as stressful as I thought it would be. It really helped having all the songs given to me in advance. The morining of gala day I was given a track off Mr Fuda for the staff act and a video from the year 10 camp of Mr Lewis. I put both of these on my laptop and into the playlist.

On the day I only suffered a few technical difficulties. During the staff act they used 3 microphones set up on the stage which wereto be taken completely off stage after the act. I told the curtain people to move the microphones but they only moved them down to the apron. We tried to communicate with them through the head set microphones but the curtain people took off their headset so the message did not get across. Eventually the microphones did get moved off stage but the show was held up for a little bit.

Another technical difficulty we suffeed was with the videos. When I went to play the correct video, the next video in the playlist would play which did stall time a little. Aside from these difficulties the show ran very smoothly and I was rewarded for this. My two helpers really made the difference and I am really thankfull for their help. The day was ellapsed with Jaricot winning the day overall. YAY!!!!

 The run sheets we used