Saturday 7 May 2011

DISTURBED!!!!! 30.4.11

Disturbed 30.4.11
Brisbane Entertainment Centre

The Dividing barrier in the middle of the arena,
included a metal platform for security to stand on

"Forgiven Rival"

The Drums are on a riser or Rosture,
there is also a audio technicians with a mac behind the drummer 
"As I Lay Dying"
Taking down the bands banner and replacing it with a new one

Roadies setting up new rostures for the next band

Mixing desk, road cases and amplifiers


Taking down Trivium's banner

Sheet set up infront of stage and light checks

Testing the video playback

Testing the LCD screens


Cool screen effect


Fire cannons hidden behind the screens

The stairs were clear so the video screens could be seen through them
More smoke

The Singer filmed the audience with a camera,
the vision captured was shown on the LCD screens

Cameras were used to capture the band as they performed and display them on the LCD screens

Packing up the stage


Another Shoot of the mixing desk

Disturbed - Intro. The video was being played on the LCD screens which were used to create a 3d effect

The most important part of the production was the big LCD screens at the back of the stage. They were used well to show the imagery that the bands music and lyrics create.

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