Monday 19 September 2011

Hunters Hill XFactor 16/9/11

On Friday the 16th of September myself and various other performing arts students performed at and attended the Hunters Hill X Factor performance held at the Hunters Hill Town Hall. The show was a great chance for students to show off their skills as performers to a team of judges. The show was run at a very professional level.

There were various people with professional standard jobs working at the show including a stage manager, audio technician, lighting technician and backstage crew. In rehearsals they gave all the performers run downs of what was happening in the show and what was expected of us backstage.

At the venue the first thing you notice when you walk in is huge lighting rig across the front of the stage. The rig was equipped with intelligent lights and par cans and their was also a projector above the stage that projected designs onto the back wall of the stage. At the very back of the hall there was also a follow spot light set up being run by students.

There was a huge audio system as well set up around the stage behind the lighting rig with speakers sitting either side of the stage. The audio system was used to play backing tracks for singers and also for wireless microphones, amplifiers and the DJ system set up on the side of the stage. 

In terms of vision systems there was a projector set up on the side of the stage to broadcast the show to the audience members sitting at the back of the hall. The quality of this was very poor though.

During the show all the performers were sat in front of the stage ready to be ushered off by the stage manager backstage. When backstage there was a dressing room for performers and also a storage area for instrument cases. on stage my band and myself used a wireless microphone, a bass amp, guitar amp and a drum kit mounted on a rostrum with wheels attached to the bottom. Before we began there was a issue with audio systems as one of the dancers from the previous act had pulled out a cable in the audio system.

The show overall was very enjoyable and of a very high professional quality.

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